Things To Keep In Mind When Clearing Land


When you’re clearing land for your new home or business, it can be tempting to just cut and run and do whatever you can to make room for the house as quickly as possible.

This is a big mistake. Clearing land is a lot more complicated than just cutting down trees, stumps, and other nuisances.

Clearing land and building on it isn’t always easy. The amount of planning that goes into any new home or construction project can be daunting.

It’s easy to rush out and start hacking away at things without giving much thought to the future of your property. If you want to keep your project on track and prevent it from falling apart later on, you need to be prepared.

That’s why in this article, we’ll show you everything you need to keep in mind when clearing land.

But before we go on, what exactly does land clearing mean?

What Is Land Clearing?

Land clearing is the process of removing all the trees, shrubs, and other vegetation from your land. The most common reason for land clearing is construction, but you may also need to clear your land in preparation for planting a new garden, allowing for the expansion of an existing property, or for some other reason, such as building a house on it, installing utilities, etc.

There are several methods of clearing land. Some people prefer to simply clear all the trees on the property. Other people might choose to remove the vegetation in a particular pattern, such as a grid pattern. You’ll have to decide which method works best for you and your property.

In the end, clearing land is a fairly straightforward process, but it could also be a tough one.

Why Do You Need To Clear Land?

If you need to clear your land for any reason, there are a few things you should keep in mind, especially if you want to prepare your land properly for construction.

First and foremost, you need to decide why you’re clearing your land. Is it for construction? For growing vegetables? For a new garden? If you don’t know why you’re clearing the land, the whole process will be much more difficult.

If you’re not sure why you need to clear the land, you’ll end up with a lot of work that you don’t have a clear reason for. Imagine being a carpenter who is asked to erect a greenhouse. Your client explains that they need to clear the land so they can plant a new vegetable garden. Without knowing the reason, you’re left with a lot of questions.

You need to know why you’re clearing land to properly prepare for it!

How To Clear Land

Now that you know why you need to clear your land, it’s time to get started.

Prepare the soil

As you clear the land, leave some of the soil (or replace it). This will help to keep the ground firm and hold the soil together. It’s also a great way to increase the quality of nutrients your yard and any remaining vegetation will receive.

Prepare the site

Clear the ground and prepare it for the next steps. This includes removing bushes and debris as well as any rocks, trees, or other objects you would like to save. You can place these in your compost or recycling bin for future use.

Remove all vegetation

Trees, bushes, and other large vegetation need to be removed completely. The smaller vegetation, like flowers, shrubs, and small trees can be cut down and removed.

Remove all building materials

Everything you saved in the clearing process must be removed. This includes all building materials and any other objects, like trees you would like to save and use for wood. You can place these in your compost or recycling bin for future use.

Things You Should Do After The Land Clearing Process

Now that you’ve cleared the land, it’s time to do some post-clearing work.

If you’ve prepared the site properly, and you’ve planted the ground with fertilizer, you should be ready to go. Here are a few things you should do after the land clearing process.

Dig a hole in the site

Before building the house, or any other structure, it’s important to dig a hole on the cleared site. This provides a place for the house to rest on, and it also helps to keep the ground level, which can be helpful if you have a flood risk.

Use the soil

When you’re done with the land clearing, you need to use the soil you removed. This helps to add rich nutrients to the ground, making it easier for your plants to thrive.

Post-clearing work can seem like a hassle, but it’s an important part of the process. It ensures that you aren’t building on an unstable or dangerous site.

If you need to clear land, it’s important to make sure you’re ready for the post-clearing work.


Land clearing might seem like a simple process, but it is actually a complicated one. Clearing a site is a lot more work than simply cutting down trees, and it requires careful planning.

You need to make sure your site is level and ready to build on. If you don’t do this, you could end up with a lot of work to repair the site later on

If you don’t clear your land properly, it can be difficult to fix. You might build on an unstable area that could collapse. It could also take longer to construct your site, or you might have to build at a different site.

Which is why it’s always better to hire a professional for your land clearing.

You Can’t Go Wrong With M. Riddle Excavating

M. Riddle Excavating is a professional land clearing contractor serving the people of Kingston, Ontario. We have over 2 decades of experience, state-of-the art equipment, and the most competitive prices.

Leave your land clearing to us, so you can focus on other parts of your project.

Contact M. Riddle Excavating Today!